Diastasis recti refers to the separation of the rectus abdominis muscle, which is the primary superficial muscle that runs down your stomach. It forms what people call “six-pack abs.” While diastasis recti is particularly common during pregnancy, men and women of all ages and life stages can experience diastasis recti.
Read on to learn the best diastasis recti exercises to help restore the function of your core muscles and support healing.
What is Diastasis Recti?
Diastasis recti may sound like an obscure medical condition, but it’s becoming increasingly common due to the prevalence of obesity. This medical condition refers to an abnormal separation between the right and left sides of the rectus abdominis muscle.
Normally, in a healthy body, the bundles of muscle fibers that make up this outermost abdominal muscle are adjoined via a thin connective tissue. The portion of the connective tissue that connects the right and left halves of the rectus abdominis is known as the linea alba. Therefore, diastasis recti is essentially tearing of the linea alba, causing an excessively wide gap between the right and left sides of this core muscle.
Depending on your physique and body fat percentage, it may or may not be possible to visually see the pulling apart of the two vertical columns of the bundles of muscle fibers in this muscle group. However, even when you can’t see the separation, you should be able to palpate (feel with your fingers) a gap between the right and left halves of the rectus abdominis muscle.
What causes diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is thought to be caused by excessive pressure being exerted on the abdominal muscles coupled with excessive stretching of that linea alba connected tissue.
As this tissue becomes overstretched, the fibers spread apart and tissue gets thinner and its structural integrity. This predisposes the linea alba to tearing and separation when the abdominal muscles are used or excessive pressure is exerted within the abdominal cavity.
Most often, diastasis recti occurs during pregnancy because the belly experiences rapid growth, physically pulling apart the connections between the abdominal muscle fibers. It can also occur due to obesity, binge eating disorder or celiac disease or other digestive disorders that result in rapid belly bloating. Note that digestive enzymes and certain supplements may help reduce bloating after eating.
People with connective tissue disorders can also develop diastasis recti as can individuals who experience an acute injury to the muscle.
Is diastasis recti a problem?
Many people who develop diastasis recti are concerned with the aesthetic consequences. While the appearance of the separation of the abs can certainly be upsetting, there are also functional consequences associated with this condition that need to be considered.
The abdominal muscles work together with all of the core muscles as a functional unit. The core muscles include not only the rectus abdominis muscle involved in diastasis recti, but also the internal and external obliques on the sides of your abs, the deep transversus abdominis muscle, all of the muscles in the lower back and the pelvic floor muscles.
Together, the core muscles encircle the entire trunk and provide 360-degree support for your spine and trunk. With diastasis recti, some of the unity is lost in the abs, which can impact posture, lifting mechanics, support of the spine and potentially athletic performance. If you are unable to use your core muscles properly, you can develop hip pain, lower back pain or other compensatory injuries.
Therefore, it is important to treat diastasis recti.
5 Diastasis Recti Exercises to Try at Home
Diastasis recti treatment may involve various factors depending on the severity of your condition. In some cases, surgery is necessary. Belly bands or braces that help keep the abs together can potentially facilitate healing.
Diastasis recti exercises may also help you regain control of your abs while still allowing the evolved tissues to heal. This latter point is particularly important. Many traditional ab exercises will actually exacerbate diastasis recti because these exercises increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity, further forcing the muscle bundles to separate. For example, crunches are contraindicated with diastasis recti because the flexion of the spine further pulls apart the abs.
The good news is that consistently performing proper diastasis recti exercises has been shown to restore strength to the core while simultaneously reducing the abdominal separation.
Working with a knowledgeable physical therapist or doctor is the best way to ensure that your diastasis recti treatment program is safe and effective for your personal needs.That said, here are some of the best home exercises for diastasis recti.
#1: Blowing out candles
This is one of the best diastasis recti exercises for beginners because it helps build the mind-body connection with the abs. This helps you retrain the recruitment and activation of the abs. Then, rather than requiring much movement, the exercise focuses on reconditioning the core muscles to perform their inward, constricting motion.
Here are the steps:
- Sit upright or stand tall with good posture. Make sure to keep your shoulders relaxed and back.
- Place one hand on your belly to help assess if you are activating your abs.
- Inhale deeply. Focus on allowing your belly to expand with your breath. Don’t just inflate your chest.
- Exhale fully and slowly, trying to draw out the exhale for as long as you can. Imagine you’re trying to blow out 100 birthday candles in a single breath. Tighten your core as you exhale, as if you’re bringing your belly button all the way to your spine.
- Repeat 5-15 times.
Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be holding your breath when you try to extend the duration of the breath; you’re just trying to stretch out the time it takes you to exhale.
#2: Tummy tucks
This is another great beginner diastasis recti exercise that helps you start rebuilding core strength and getting your core muscles to activate as a cohesive group.
Here are the steps:
- Stand so that your body is folded at your hips with your torso parallel to the floor. Your legs and torso should be at a 90-degree angle. If you need help balancing in this position, you can hold onto a desk, counter, chair, table etc. Beginners can also perform this diastasis recti exercise on their hands and knees.
- Relax your abdominal muscles. Let your loose belly hang down towards the floor as far as possible.
- Use your abs to draw your belly up towards your spine as forcefully and fully as you can.
- Hold and squeeze this position (trying to glue your abs to your spine) for 5-10 seconds.
- Relax and let your belly slowly drop back down.
- Repeat 10-15 times.
#3: Single-leg leg lifts
Single-leg leg lifts are a good diastasis recti exercise for building back abdominal strength without forcing the abs apart.
Here are the steps:
- Lie on the back with your knees bent 90 degrees, feet flat on the floor and toes pointing straight ahead. Rest your arms at your sides on the floor.
- Straighten one leg and lift it as high as you can toward the ceiling, keeping your lower back pressed into the floor and your pelvis neutral.
- Hold your leg up in the air for one full breath. Contract your quads and abs, making sure to draw your belly button in.
- Slowly lower your leg back down.
- Repeat on the opposite leg.
- Complete 10-15 reps per leg.
#4: Marches
This is a more advanced exercise for diastasis recti exercise that helps restore function and unity to the abs. It strengthens the lower abs, deep core muscles and pelvic floor muscles.
To maximize the effectiveness and reduce the tension on the connective tissue in the rectus abdominis, focus on moving as slowly as possible and drawing your belly button inward towards your spine.
Here are the steps:
- Lie on your back with your hips and knees bent 90 degrees. This means that your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor, your knees should be up in the air and your shins should be parallel to the ground up in the air. Rest your hands at your sides on the floor.
- Engage your abs to squeeze your belly button in toward your spine while slowly lowering one leg towards the floor (maintaining the 90-degree bend in your knee).
- Gently tap the heel of that foot on the floor and then lift the leg back up to the starting position using only your abs.
- Alternating sides for 20-30 reps.
#5: Reverse crunches
When the marches exercise is no longer challenging, you can progress to reverse crunches. The general movement is the same, but both legs are lowered and lifted in unison, which requires greater core strength and control.
If you experience any pain or feel like the exercise for diastasis recti is making your condition worse, stop immediately and seek professional support.
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The post Make a Core Comeback With These 5 Gentle Exercises for Diastasis Recti first appeared on The Upside by Vitacost.com.
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