Where Does Fat Go When You Burn It?

Many dietitians and personal trainers believe that when you burn fat during a workout, that fat is being used up as fuel for energy or heat.

But where does the by-product or waste of this metabolic reaction go?

As it turns out, when your body breaks up the molecules that make up your fat cells in your body, the existing atoms don’t just cease to exist.

According to Ruben Meerman, a physicist, and Andrew Brown, a biochemist specializing in lipids, their calculations show that weight loss occurs via breathing. (1)

Where Does Your Fat Go?

As explained by Medical News Today (2),

“Excess dietary carbohydrates and protein are converted to a type of fat called triglyceride. When people attempt to lose weight, they are attempting to metabolize these triglycerides while keeping their fat-free mass intact…

Triglycerides are comprised of three types of atoms: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Triglyceride molecules can be broken down only by unlocking these atoms, through a process known as oxidation.

The researchers chose to follow the path of these atoms when leaving the body. They found that when 10 kg of fat were oxidized, 8.4 kg were converted and excreted as carbon dioxide (CO2) via the lungs, and 1.6 kg became water (H20).

In order for 10 kg of human fat to be oxidized, the researchers calculated that 29 kg of oxygen must be inhaled. Oxidation then produces a total of 28 kg of CO2 and 11 kg of H20.”

Breathe More

The authors of the study estimate that by swapping 1 hour of sitting with 1 hour of moderate exercise you could raise your metabolic rate by sevenfold.

In other words, the lungs are the primary excretory organ in weight loss, according to the researchers.

Simply increasing your respiratory rate or how much oxygen you breathe in can significantly boost your metabolism. And the best way to do this is by exercising.

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