pourquoi tenter la réflexologie ?

Un faux mouvement… Et aie aie une raideur brutale s’installe au bas du dos entrainant une sensation de blocage. Hmmm “ça tire” derrière la jambe. Vous connaissez ? Si vous lisez cet article, ces sensations vous sont familières. Nous savons ô combien que cela peut être douloureux et démoralisant. Mais ces douleurs aux lombaires avec…

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18 points pour soulager vos douleurs

Conçue à une époque où le traitement de la douleur était encore peu développée, cette technique de massage ciblée permet également de disperser les surcharges toxiniques et augmenter le niveau de vitalité. Il s’agit des points de Knap. Qui est à l’origine de cette méthode ? Gëorgia Knap (1866-1946) était un inventeur original, stimulé par…

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An Expert Trainer Says These Are the Five Essential Strength Moves Everyone Should Do Everyday

It’s no secret that regular exercise is key to a healthy life, but finding the time and motivation can be a challenge. According to expert trainers, these five essential bodyweight exercises target major muscle groups and lay the foundation for a strong and functional body. 1. Bodyweight Squat: The Foundation of Strength The bodyweight squat…

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Zinc Supplements Show Promise in Healing Lung Damage

In recent times, the world has faced numerous respiratory challenges, drawing attention to the importance of lung health and innovative treatments. Amidst this scenario, groundbreaking research has emerged, revealing the potential of zinc supplements in healing lung damage. This article delves into the scientific studies that provide valuable insights into how zinc supplementation could revolutionize…

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This Particular Trait About You Is Secretly Linked to Your Dementia Risk, Scientists Discover

This particular trait about you is secretly linked to your dementia risk, according to a recent study published in elife. Height doesn’t often seem to be a predictor of health concerns. But, according to a new study, it might predetermine your dementia risk. According to a study published in eLife, taller men are less at risk for developing…

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Want to Age Well? Do This While Brushing Your Teeth Every Time for Healthy Aging

Most research seems to agree: multitasking is not a real phenomenon. Our brains simply don’t work that way. Even those who say that multitasking does exist, they still grant that the practice does not lead to better productivity.  However, assuming a specific posture while you complete a task is, perhaps, one example of multitasking that we can…

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