How to Lose Fat and Completely Transform Your Body In 4 Weeks

If you are looking to shed off the extra layer of fat and completely transform your body, I got good news. Your transformation goal is achievable. And the path to that isn’t as exhausting, depriving, or mystical as you may think. 

Many people with a body transformation goal look for the one secret that’ll bring every result they wished for. 

They put all their hopes in the next supplement, the edgy detox plan, or extreme workout challenge. But here is the truth you least want to hear.

There isn’t no simple secrete you are missing on. There is no miracle pill or supplement, nor there is one ritual with transformational power. 

Instead, there are solid and sound strategies that truly change your body inside and out. 

That, you may have been missing. 

They are not glamourous, yet they are sound. 

If you’ve been trying but have not seen success, look no further. 

You need to put solid strategies in place to truly transform your body. 

And that’s exactly what we are going to discuss in today’s post. The 4-step strategy that’ll help you shed fat and transform your body for good. (modafinil) And we’ll do that while having balance in life. 

These strategies aren’t quick fixes or some weight loss hacks. 

But keep at it, you’ll see a great success that’ll last for a lifetime. 

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1. Set up a Healthy Lifestyle

Set up a Healthy LifestyleSet up a Healthy Lifestyle

Everyone’s goal is different. Some want to lose fat and get leaner while others look to build muscle. 

Whatever fitness goal you want to achieve, starts with your lifestyle. This means that you’re going to have to make some tweaks to your diet and start moving your body more. 

The first thing you have to start thinking about is nutrition. Structuring a proper diet is going to account for 75-80% of your success. 

So if your lifestyle isn’t giving you the desired result. Take a look at your lifestyle now and start making changes. 

Because without changes, you won’t make changes to your body, fitness, or health. 

With that said, let’s talk about nutrition. 

2. Nutrition—Structure a Diet

Nutrition—Structure a DietNutrition—Structure a Diet

If you’re going to lose fat and transform your body, what you eat and drink matters. 

Structuring your diet around nutritional foods and avoiding liquid empty calories is essential. 

So what are nutritional foods and how to pick them? 

There are three macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fats

All three macronutrients are essential and play a role in your body’s various functions. 

When changing your body, consuming the correct ratio of macronutrients is key to supporting your body’s nutritional needs.

Here are each of the macronutrients and some foods that fall under them. 


Protein is essential for the body. It helps maintain your hair, skin, nails, and organs. Proteins are also needed to build structures of bones, tendons, blood plasma, and more. 

Our bodies’ acid-base balance is also maintained with help of proteins. 

For an average adult, the daily recommended intake of protein is 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. 

For someone who weighs 150lbs, this translates to about 54 grams of protein a day. 

Depending on your activity level, age, and health goals, the recommended daily serving size may vary. 

Because protein takes energy to break down, it burns calories to eating protein foods. 

This is why diets high in protein are popular for weight loss. 

Here are some examples of high-protein foods: 

  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Pork
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Soybeans
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Beans


Fat is often seen as a nutritional villain. But this is far from the truth. Fat is important for the body as it serves as an energy reserve and protection for your essential organs. 

It also helps absorb and transport fat-soluble vitamins. 

It’s recommended that you take in 20-35% of your daily calories from healthy fat. 

Though healthy fats are always welcome, it’s not to be confused with unhealthy, saturated fat. 

The majority of fats you eat in a day should come from clean sources such as: 

  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Olives 
  • Fish oil

Carbohydrates (carbs) serve as the body’s primary fuel. 

They supply your body with energy and help keep your organs, brains, and muscles functioning. 

While the carb ratio has been a hot debate recently, especially for those looking to lose weight, here is the general recommendation. 

Out of your daily calories, 45-65% should come from carbohydrates. 

As with other macros, this recommendation may change depending on your goal, health conditions, and age. 

For carbs, focus on eating more complex carbs such as veggies and fruits rather than simple carbs. 

While complex carbs are packed with other nutrition, simple carbs tend to be empty calories. 

To put it all together, be sure to include all macronutrients in your meals on a daily basis. A side of baked broccoli and bell peppers (carbs) with nut-crusted halibut (protein and fat) would be one idea for dinner. 

For breakfast, something like almond milk chia pudding with shredded coconuts and fresh berries would be a great example. 

3. Maintain a Good Calorie Balance

Maintain a Good Calorie BalanceMaintain a Good Calorie Balance

Caloric balance refers to the number of calories you take in compared to the number of calories you burn. 

Caloric balance matters to your overall health and fitness. 

It also determines whether you gain weight, lose weight, or maintain your weight over time.

It is a good idea to figure out the number of calories you need to reach your fitness goal: lose fat and transform your body.

Using an online calorie calculator is the most accurate way to figure out the number of calories you need for your goal. 

By inputting your goal weight, current weight, and activity level, you’ll have an ideal daily calorie intake. 

Once you have that figure, you can start breaking your daily calorie intakes into the macronutrients:

  • Protein: 10–30% of calories
  • Carbohydrates: 45-65 % of your calories
  • Fats: 25–35% of calories

For example 2192 Calories Per Day for a 37-year-old looking to lose fat. 

  • Carbohydrate 232 g 42.3%of calories
  • Protein 152 g 27.7% of calories
  • Fat 73 g 30.0% of calories

You can use this online macro calculator to calculate yours based on your goal. From there you can start planning your meals. Try to base your diet around whole foods.

4. Workout

Workout - Lifting WeightWorkout - Lifting Weight

In addition to following a healthy balanced diet, working out regularly is key to losing fat and transforming your body.

But what types of workouts you should be doing to lose fat?

All type of exercise is good for your body and health. But if you’re specifically trying to lose fat, picking the right workout moves can help fasten the process. 

This is because some types of workouts may help you burn more calories and help you lose fat quicker than other types. 

Cardio is great for burning calories and conditioning your heart, lungs, and overall fitness. 

Lifting weights can help you lose fat while still building muscle, which is awesome for your metabolism. 

Muscle mass burns more calories than fat, which means you burn more calories every day when you have more muscle, even while you’re sleeping. 

Experts recommend that you combine the two to maximize fat loss while also increasing lean muscle mass. 

A workout schedule might look something like this for fat loss.

  • Monday: Weight Training
  • Tuesday: Cardio
  • Wednesday: Weight Training
  • Thursday: Cardio
  • Friday: Weight Training
  • Saturday & Sunday: off (Recovery)

For weight training, you want to focus on compound exercises that work the whole body. Exercises such as squats, pushups, deadlifts, lunges, plank, and renegade row are great options. 

For cardio, you want to combine both low-intensity and high-intensity interval training for the best results.


If you just take care of these simple nutrition and fitness rules, you’ll be sure to see some transformation in your body. 

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