This Vegetable Oil May Increase Cancer Spread, Study Finds

chocolate spread

In a groundbreaking scientific discovery, researchers have uncovered a concerning link between a common cooking oil and cancer progression. Let’s get into what you need to know.

The Discovery

Scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine in Barcelona have made a startling finding – palmitic acid, a fatty acid commonly found in palm oil, may increase the likelihood of cancer spreading throughout the body[1]. This discovery is particularly significant since palm oil is an ingredient found in numerous everyday products, from chocolate to toothpaste and shampoo[1].

The Science Explained

When cancer spreads through the body – a process called metastasis – it becomes much more dangerous. In fact, metastasis is responsible for approximately 90% of cancer-related deaths worldwide, claiming around nine million lives annually[1].

The research, published in Nature[3], revealed that palmitic acid can actually alter the cancer genome[1]. Even more concerning, these effects persist long after exposure to the fatty acid has ended[1]. The study showed that cancer cells exposed to palmitic acid developed the ability to form neural networks around tumors, making it easier for cancer to spread[1].

Important Distinctions

Not all fatty acids show this effect. The researchers found that other common fatty acids, such as:

  • Oleic acid (found in olive oil)
  • Linoleic acid (found in flaxseeds)
    Did not promote cancer spread[1].

Future Hope

Scientists are already working on developing new therapies to interrupt this process, with clinical trials potentially beginning within the next few years[1]. However, researchers caution against making immediate dietary changes without proper medical guidance[2].

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